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zabby391038 karma

Where I work (tech, software dev) I have a lot of problems with management not respecting the value of experience, but also there's a lot of unproductive people that are kept on mostly because it's so hard to hire people (in part because HR insists on lowballing initial offers).

Anyway, I like the idea of a union and I think it could address a lot of my concerns regarding salary and respect for experience, but I really don't like the idea of the union protecting unproductive workers. Is this a valid fear?

zabby391033 karma

I would like to join a software developer union that functioned like an old-school guild... enforced standards, took more power over who gets to be hired, stuff like that, as well as the standard bargaining for wages and protecting people against management.

I have talked to people who work in government who do give me the complaint that the incompetent are protected, and as someone that is competent (at least I'd like to think so) that doesn't benefit me, particularly if promotions are seniority based not merit based, which is another complaint i've heard from union people.

I'm not anti-union but I'd have to get a pitch tailored to my concerns.