Highest Rated Comments

eigenmouse685 karma

It's a bit like watching spoiled children. They see these things happening that are sort of worrying, warrantless wiretaps, Gitmo, police abuse, they scream a bit about it, but all they ever do about it is vote for some politician who makes it even worse, or write a letter to some other politician who doesn't give a shit, and that's only the really motivated ones. The others go right back to matters of actual importance, such as why has Arrested Development been taken off the air and is nobody going to do anything about it.

When people realize that the politicians they vote for and write to to oppose the police state are the very people building it, it's usually too late.

eigenmouse481 karma

You could try violent protests every now and then. Or voting en masse for some folk hero type who isn't part of the establishment. Or publishing and consuming intelligent, openly subversive literature. Anything that can genuinely put the fear of God (it's an expression, you understand) into those scumbag politicians of yours who got comfortable and think they can ignore their constituents. Voting and writing letters isn't going to work, that's their game.

eigenmouse359 karma

Nah, I find it incredibly amusing.

eigenmouse272 karma

Come on people, downvotes? Seriously? Have some sense of humor!

eigenmouse188 karma

I'm an atheist myself, so obviously I think it makes sense. I believe there is some truth to the Marxist quote about religion being the opiate of the masses, but forcing the masses to go cold turkey isn't the way to go. Religion somehow managed to survive half a century of communist oppression, so it seems that the masses really do need their opium.

I do regret the oppression though, that's not what atheism should be about.