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cyankitten10 karma

Conversely, can someone be neurotypical but also have misophonia?

cyankitten6 karma

The panic factor. An AI would not freak out it just does the job.

cyankitten4 karma

I know this is crazy but honestly I feel annoyed even just READING about the sunflower seeds for hours thing lol

cyankitten3 karma

What do you mean “the book goes underwater with our 2024 edition” ? What do you mean by it goes underwater?

cyankitten2 karma

Ok so questions: what about things you don’t want to answer eg “what church do you go to?” If you don’t go or “are you still XYZ faith?” And “why don’t you contact (toxic family member you cut off cos they’re the worst?” How to ask sex guy to actually take you for a date? Or how to GET a guy who says he only wants sex for a date or to assert you want dates and romance not just sex in general when online dating and what to say to those who don’t read that on your profile?