Highest Rated Comments

chiubacca8224 karma

Kidneys from donors over 64yo do significantly less well than under 64yo by a margin of around 30% over the course of the grafts life span.

Issue is, when you find a match, it's hard to be picky.

chiubacca8213 karma

Once you are diagnosed by a nephrologist, you will be given an ACE inhibitor to lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure accelerates your kidney deterioration, as well as dehydration. Make sure you drink lots of water, and keep your blood pressure low by reducing your salt intake. If you have diabetes, it can also affect your kidneys as well so avoid sugary products or consume in moderation.

Not sure about which system you use, in Canada, we use the GFR (glomerular filtration rate) to determine your kidney function. Anything above 60 is good.. Failure means under 5. However GFR is a estimated calculation based on your blood creatinine, Blood urea nitrogen levels, size and sex.

PM me if you have any questions.

chiubacca826 karma

How do you deal to a player farther away without the card flipping over?

I'm using the flick to rotate/spin the card. My friends push the card against the felt and it flips over sometimes. Any suggestions?