Hi Reddit! I am Carolyn Oglesby u/DrGrammy2012. I’m joining today to pay tribute to my mother Dr. Gladys West and her contribution to inventing GPS.

She is best known for her contributions to the mathematical modeling of the shape of the Earth and her work on developing satellite geodesy models that were eventually incorporated into the Global Positioning System (GPS).

Together with the people behind the Hidden Heroes project, I’ll be answering your questions!

You can also read Dr. Gladys West’s story on Hidden Heroes: https://hiddenheroes.netguru.com/gladys-west

Carolyn and the Hidden Heroes team

Proof: Here's my proof!

Comments: 214 • Responses: 3  • Date: 

Hidden_Heroes30 karma

Hi! We're here to answer all your questions about Dr. Gladys West!

Hidden_Heroes5 karma

Thank you for your questions! We're finishing for now but will be answering more throughout the week!

Rawnsey6 karma

But you haven't answered any questions?...

Hidden_Heroes7 karma

Hi! Gladys West's daughter Carolyn u/DrGrammy2012 has been answering them :)