Sarah Elizabeth Robles

is "The strongest woman in America." She qualified for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.

Hosted AMAs

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roblympian1867 karma

your house

roblympian894 karma

Weird Al

roblympian685 karma

When I was interviewed for this article, we talked for a long time about many things. I had no idea what angle she was going to take. I was living off of $400 a month. I was collecting food stamps. I struggled a lot during that time. I asked several companies to sponsor me. I didn't even ask for money. Just a few products that I used. I got some donations to tide me over through the Olympic Trials. I struggled at home and on the platform. To be MY best, I had to focus solely on training. I do feel as if the funding situation in our organization is unfair. I do feel as if my size/appearance could be a contributing factor in lack of sponsorships. Especially with supplement and apparel companies. Generally, I agree with the sentiment of the article.

roblympian581 karma

I'm sure there are some boys that are intimidated. I tell people upfront that I am a weightlifter and if they are cool with it, that's always a good sign. If they ask more about weightlifting than trying to get to know me for who I am instead of what I do, I don't take interest. I don't date much because I have been so busy and don't have time for them. Weights before dates! When I do get a chance to date, I'm somewhat shy because I am relatively inexperienced when it comes to dating. I have however had some really fun dates and second/ third dates. Fighting? I've never dated anyone long enough to have an argument. If it were to ever get to a point where he would a raise a hand to me, he'd be gone like yesterday's garbage.

roblympian567 karma

All supplements I take I make sure are not on the USADA/WADA banned list. I believe that sport should be a contest of who is the better athlete. Not who has the better drugs. It's against the rules yet, people proceed to do it. Honesty, integrity, and hard work are the more important factors of success. I can sleep at night knowing I performed my best and honestly.

roblympian543 karma

This coming wednesday

roblympian421 karma

I was doing box jumps on the smallest box when I was at NMU and I caught my foot on the edge and slammed my face into the wall. It was pretty awful...and hilarious.

roblympian335 karma

I've only arm wrestled on guy and he was probably like 150 lbs. Skinny+drunk= defeat.

roblympian333 karma

I have a paypal account There's a donate tab on there and it tells you all kinds of ways you can support me and weightlifting

roblympian333 karma

Learn more about weightlifting. If women have these ideas it's because they don't know any better. Before you decide to do or not do something, make sure it's an educated decision. Do some research and see if what you think is true. Being confident, loving, and bettering yourself, make you beautiful. Doing or not doing a sport has no bearing on that.