due to a request in another thread on another subreddit i'm doing an AMA. so go ahead.

EDIT: I think this is the first time I've ever been on the frontpage! thanks guys!

EDIT 2: Hey guys really appreciate all the questions, it was fun. but now I actually have to get some work done so I'm gonna have to call it a day on this AMA. feel free to PM me if you have any other questions and i'll try to get back to you ASAP. Again thanks a lot, I really enjoyed answering. Also ladies, yes I am single ;)

Comments: 1681 • Responses: 60  • Date: 

jakeryan1049322 karma

Do the men take any Viagra or enhancement drugs?

Rozo-D399 karma


[deleted]220 karma

does the pizza get eaten?

Rozo-D342 karma

yeah man, i get hungry on set.

LeeHarveeOswald205 karma

How was the smell? How did you deal with the smell? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

Rozo-D242 karma

on set, for me personally, it was awful. for one company I worked for we had our own studio in california that we used exclusively for our content...um it wasn't cleaned very often. I've been on other sets where it's clean and the smell isn't bad. the one we used would sometimes stink of dried cum and sweat. also puke happened every now and again. and i refused to sit on the couches.

LeeHarveeOswald97 karma

what was your role in the whole process?

Rozo-D203 karma

I wore many hats. content management, creative director, programmer, web developer, editor, account rep, site manager...goes on and on.

Excentinel72 karma

Creative director? Were you the guy responsible for writing the scripts then?

Rozo-D120 karma

no. more like the guy responsible for the look of the websites/dvd covers/etc.

greypoppies198 karma

Do girls ever have breakdowns?

Rozo-D312 karma

yup. a lot of the first timers breakdown because it's not what they expected. Sometimes some of them have just had a hectic day and week and simply can't take it. it happens.

Dookiestain_LaFlair175 karma

When you say "can't take it" you mean the dick is too big?

Rozo-D288 karma

not always because of that. Sometimes it's just the reality of it all sinking in. some people, for whatever reason, think that porn is awesome and all glitz and glamor. what they don't realize is that you gotta start at the bottom. you're talking like facial abuse stuff, lots of anal, gang bang, whatever. Some first timers can't take the anal, can't take the throat fucking or whatever. it's almost as though they have to pay their dues.


Really? In my experience as a porn watcher, generally it seems the opposite. Once I see a girl doing anal/gangbang/etc I rarely see her in more tasteful stuff. It's like once they admit they will do that no one wants to hire them for anything else. Eva Angelia is a good example, she started off just doing (regular) blowjobs for a long time, then gang blowjobs, then eventually anal etc.

Rozo-D114 karma

well I mean it also depends on how she looks and acts. it's like any job really if you're good at it and you improve your work then you'll get promoted. if you just keep it the same as always you're not going to move up.

redditor3000119 karma

Do you ever feel like the first-timers were sexually abused by the porn industry?

Rozo-D379 karma

it's a very fine line. some? yup. a lot of times producers/camera guys (the ones that shoot the audition tapes) can sense when a girl is in the business for the wrong reasons or doesn't have a clue what it's like and they will fuck the shit out of her in a way to show her that she's not cut out for it. it's the most fucked up version of tough love ever.

Rozo-D142 karma

no. thankful i've never been filming.

-Peter157 karma

Tell us the absolute-bat-shit-craziest thing you've seen on set.

Rozo-D450 karma

Saw a model on a coke binge punch herself in the head a few times while getting fucked up the ass.

NoBS_thanks513 karma

Oh, the dreaded self-donkey punch.

Rozo-D206 karma

it was quite a sight to behold.

jrosebus52 karma

NSFW http://www.redtube.com/26156 this? if not, do you have any idea what's up with that video, the actress, etc?

Rozo-D62 karma

no that's not it. she looks pretty doped up to me.

dumbfriendbrian151 karma

This might be a stupid question but....

How true is it that guys have to start in gay porn before they get to do regular porn?

Rozo-D247 karma

if you want to be paid more you'll do gay porn. honestly it's a bit of a misconception.

tmarvel140 karma

What was the funniest thing you ever saw someone do naked?

Rozo-D424 karma

guys trying to freestyle rap, while naked.

depositless132 karma

ever saw someone refuses to do something the director asks for being too nasty/weird/etc.?

Rozo-D188 karma

all. the. time. some would refuse to do anal. some would refuse to work with other models. in the US you can't get too nasty/weird due to obscenity laws. in south america and some parts of europe pretty much anything is fair game.

redditor3000109 karma

obscenity laws

These exist? What are they?

Rozo-D171 karma

the laws in the US are weird. for example fisting is apparently a no-no as is shitting and pissing. but I was never too sure where they drew the line for bondage stuff. I don't know most of the time we just winged it.

depositless53 karma

any drama caused by that? or does the director just comes up with something else instead?

Rozo-D92 karma

drama all the time. most of the time we just call someone else up and get them in to shoot.

Duffman300549 karma

Hmm the Tanner Mayes storming off the set video comes to mind...

Rozo-D108 karma

ah yes i saw that one recently. I actually worked with her psst that ain't a "chafing" mark.

Nartana127 karma

How many outakes or bloopers are there?

Rozo-D365 karma

every now and again you get a few but these folks are pros. it's in and out and on with their day.

emu420478 karma

it's in and out


Rozo-D1057 karma

i see what I did there.

Klitzy126 karma

Has a scene ever left the realm of "acting" and become like a real sex scene? Have you know of actors and actresses getting together after a scene?

Rozo-D171 karma

rarely happens i'm afraid. there have been a few times were it got "real" but not too often.

WillFerellsLoudVoice121 karma


Rozo-D210 karma

move to montreal, work for Brazzers :p

zdustin119 karma

How many times has a male actor "gone off" too soon?

Rozo-D182 karma

a few times. mainly new guys will sometimes shoot too soon. Steve Holmes though...he's a god damn pro.

metalgrizzlycannon72 karma

Are there any real tricks to the stamina? Or should I be asking Ron Jeremy

Rozo-D108 karma

apparently if you do a lot of clenches every day it's supposed to help

tripleblacktri111 karma

Hey, my roommate loves Tori Black... anything you could tell me about her?

Rozo-D267 karma

she's the ONLY one in the industry that I would ever consider breaking my "don't date the talent" rule. super nice and funny girl, hot as god damn ever living fuck. 10x so in person.

FuLLMeTaL604106 karma

Are STI's a problem in the porn industry? Do they test every actor before every shoot?

Rozo-D143 karma

before every shoot? good lord no. stuff like that is sometimes kept hush hush from the general public. I mean sure they do have to get tested regularly.

studyhardplayerhard104 karma

Do you ever get turned on while watching the filming take place?

Rozo-D228 karma

never. when you work in porn for as long as I did you quickly become desensitized to it. I mean it's work, it was my job. It's to the point now, even though i'm no longer in the industry, that I don't even get turned on by it watching it at home.

studyhardplayerhard124 karma

So what do you masturbate to then...

Rozo-D305 karma

girlfriend and imagination helps.

redditor300080 karma

Has it made sex worse for you at all?

Rozo-D137 karma

no if anything it's made it better.

mosai8978 karma

Mind telling us how that is possible?

Rozo-D353 karma

I learned to appreciate the girl I'm with a lot more and i'm more attracted to her and "regular" girls t han the made up plastic porn ones.

thephenom2189 karma

Who have you met?

Rozo-D164 karma

tons of models. Gianna michaels, Tory lane, tori black, sasha grey, lisa ann, steve holmes, etc, etc, etc

beachwood23102 karma

What was tori black like? I always thought she was the best

Rozo-D213 karma

she's awesome. i have a massive crush on her.

beachwood2368 karma

haha i knew somebody else must. i've listened to a couple of her after-scene interviews - even though she talks about getting dp'ed, you can tell she's actully wellspoken. does she seem fake at all irl?

Rozo-D124 karma

not in the slighest.

bluechaka90 karma

how was tory lane?

Rozo-D285 karma

biggest. bitch. ever.


How is gianna michaels?

Rozo-D83 karma

meh she has her good and bad days.

foodmanchew81 karma

When they show (and they always do) the guy's O-face in a close-up right before his.. big finish, is it filmed separately? Do they do multiple takes?

Rozo-D114 karma

hah the shoots that I worked on were what we'd call "reality" or "gonzo" porn. these are one take shots with one or two cameras. so yeah most of the stuff you see on like xnxx or redtube etc is done and done live.

Xca1aber81 karma

How are the actors personal lives? Do they have healthy non-porn relationships, or are they all kinda messed up?

Rozo-D134 karma

depends on the actor. some of them (not gonna name names) are really fucked in the head while others are really down to earth and level headed who lead normal non-porn relationships. there are a few married couples that even work in the industry.

proto0478 karma

What's the best thing most people wouldn't realize about the porn industry, and with that what's the worst?

Rozo-D164 karma

The best? making fun of the customers. honestly we'd push ourselves to come up with the weirdest and dumbest stuff to see if people actually bought it, and they did. People are weird about their porn. so the best thing was coming up with bizarre stuff. Also innovating the technology side of it. I pushed for flash video before youtube was big, and I pushed for HTML 5 mobile sites before that was big.

the worst: the pay, the bullshit industry drama.

proto0460 karma

Pretty cool. I remember seeing an article that mentioned porn is often the first place new technology is implemented.

If you've got time for one more follow up, what do you mean by "industry drama?" Like the connotations people make about the industry or more internal issues?

Rozo-D85 karma

more internal. the industry has it's own message board/forum that everyone uses. It's a huge industry but a small community that runs said industry so everyone knows everyone. think internet tough guy but on a much larger scale and everyone is one. people yelling at other people cause they either stole content/ideas/money etc.

cjdimino77 karma

What are you wearing?

Rozo-D338 karma

for you? nothing at all.

theaterhead75 karma

Did any porn stars ever hit on you?

Rozo-D103 karma


[deleted]66 karma

Okay, here it goes...

Do you like your job?

Rozo-D108 karma

I don't work in the industry anymore. I got sick of it and left. my current job that isn't porn related? yes I love it.

BreeBree21452 karma

What do you currently do?

Rozo-D69 karma

currently work for a social media company as a programmer/web developer.

jackmarathon62 karma

I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin, but how do you feel about unicorns?

Rozo-D65 karma

they are magical majestic creatures.

MPK4958 karma

Is it possible to get production experience in porn and move to mainstream productions? Or is porn more difficult to get into?

Rozo-D95 karma

Porn is easy to get into just don't expect good pay out of it.

kyle4smiles51 karma

while filming, or doing behind the scenes work, what is it like? Do you get turned on by the sex? Does everyone on set have a raging boner? Or is it professional?

Rozo-D118 karma

common misconception that i'm gonna kill right now. people on set behind the camera don't get turned on or get a raging boner. it's a job, it's work and we all become desensitized to it after awhile.

InMySecretLife47 karma

So do you scoff at NFSW tags on reddit?

Rozo-D72 karma

hah I do. some of them are "cute" when they say "omg this is the most fucked up thing ever" and I think to myself "meh, this is pretty tame compared to the shit i've seen." keep it up guys.

ScrubbersXOXO47 karma

Whats the funniest thing you've seen on the set of a porno?

Rozo-D122 karma

during a shoot we'd have "bloopers" every now and again. and by bloopers I mean what most would consider gross. puking, women not ensuring their assholes are "empty/clean". Audition tapes...those are comedy gold though.

spinningsilk58 karma

What are some of the reasons that actors end up puking?

Rozo-D109 karma

drinking before taking a cumshot down your throat is one reason...

scottsrad46 karma

What's the clean up like, and who does it? Also, how is the location chosen?

Rozo-D64 karma

never stuck around for clean ups so couldn't tell you. for one company i worked for we had our own studio so we always shot out of that. for locations in california you can rent houses for like a day or something for shoots or you'd film at like a producers or directors house or a friends house.

Lynkk45 karma

Do you watch porn during your free time, or you're just disgusted by it?

Rozo-D86 karma

I don't watch it at all anymore really. only time I will is if it's a friend in the industry asking me for an opinion on something.

PleaseVote4Me17 karma

what are some porn sites you have worked on?

Rozo-D25 karma

too many to list. a lot of pinkvisual sites thats for sure.

toomuch_fire41 karma

how were the actors off camera?

Rozo-D80 karma

Depends. some were really cool and nice, others total bitches. I'm not going to name names but some women were totally demanding way beyond their industry status.

Saenii31 karma

How many have you worked in and what kinds?

Rozo-D42 karma

So many that I honestly couldn't give you a number. I've worked on a lot of sites and worked on a lot of videos. hundreds maybe.

zoso4evr30 karma

TIL Porn is like sausage- Once you've seen it made, you can't enjoy it anymore.

Rozo-D15 karma

hah yeah pretty much.

YDNA8830 karma

Is the cable ever gonna be fixed?

Rozo-D42 karma

sorry man I doubt it. nor is the plumbing and i'm pretty sure the pizza guy is gonna get fired if he keeps returning to work without any money.

emu42029 karma

Can you still get off to porn, considering you've seen it made?

Rozo-D165 karma

no i cannot. r/gonewild helps though because that's more "real" ;)

Zn2Plus28 karma

Thanks for doing this! What did you do? And how do you now describe this on your resume?

Rozo-D54 karma

no problem! I did a lot of stuff. I did content managing, was a creative director, programmer, web developer, account associate, editor...a lot of different roles. As far as a resume goes virtually every porn company has a business 'front' name that isn't associated with the porn aspect of the company. so I use that name on my resume. for a description of the job pretty much just keep it vague and say I worked for an online media company and did content management/development/programming.

PaleBlueThought14 karma

What are the biggest ways you saw the porn industry change in the years you worked in it?

Rozo-D32 karma

the realization that the DVD golden era was ending and that they needed to figure out how to stop people from stealing the content. I mean i literally worked from the period where everyone was rich and had it all to "oh shit people are pirating our stuff and no one is paying membership fees" a lot of companies went under.